School Nurse
All medicines need to be checked in with the office upon arrival at school.
Questions? - Please email the nurse at [email protected]
Is my child too sick for school?
Authorization to give Medications at School Form
- When students are transporting medications to/from home to school on the school bus, students must keep medication in an original child proof container and in a closed environment (i.e. book bag, purse, etc) at all times during bus transportation.
- Students are responsible for taking the medications directly to the office/clinic upon immediate arrival at school.
- When possible, student medications should be administered by a parent or guardian at home.
- The parent or guardian must obtain the Authorization to Give Medications at School Form at the school or download from this site.
Scoliosis Parent Letter
Scoliosis Form
“Please check with your students health care provider to make sure all immunization and health screening records are up to date and that updated forms are loaded in your student’s records before the beginning of next school year. Students will not be permitted to begin school if shot records are expired.”